What is the address and phone number at the Gaylord Texan Hotel and Convention Center?
- 1501 Gaylord Trail, Grapevine, TX 76051 | (817) 778-1000
What is the summit attire?
- Proper attire is business casual.
Who should I contact if I am interested in presenting at the Summit?
- Please send an email to with your biography, area of expertise in energy, and description of what you would present.
How do I update my registration?
- You can update your registration information using the link in the confirmation email that was sent by after you registered. If you cannot find your confirmation email, contact for assistance.
Are there any rooms I can use for a quick meeting at the Summit?
- Yes. There are open meeting rooms in the meeting space that are available on a first come, first served basis.
Is wi-fi available in the meeting space?
- Yes.
I am not an ARPA-E Awardee, is there an opportunity to exhibit in the Technology Showcase?
- Companies and other organizations with a specific transformational energy technology to display are invited to apply for a Technology Showcase exhibit space. We encourage large and small businesses, established companies, start-ups, universities, non-profits, and research laboratories to apply to exhibit alongside ARAP-E awardees at the Summit's Tech Showcase. Please note that we are NOT looking for incremental improvements on current technologies, but disruptive and transformational energy innovations. Service providers and consultants are not good candidates for the Technology Showcase but can exhibit in the Partner Showcase. You can learn more about the Apply to Showcase opportunity and application under the Showcase tab. The application period to Apply to Showcase will be coming soon!
How do I exhibit in the Partner Showcase?
- The Summit attracts the “who’s who” in energy technology innovation—from top researchers and technologists to investors, influential policymakers, and other key industry decision makers. Summit partners can generate significant brand exposure through exhibit and sponsorship opportunities.
What is the Summit?
The ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit is an annual conference that brings together thought leaders from business, government, and academia to discuss cutting-edge energy issues and cultivate relationships to help move technologies towards the marketplace. Summit topics range from high-level industry overviews to focused discussions on developing and deploying next-generation energy technologies. In addition, the Technology Showcase is a major attraction of the Summit that includes hundreds of carefully selected transformational technologies—many of which are displayed publicly for the first time during the Summit.
How many people attend the Summit?
In 2023, more than 2,700 registered for the Summit, from 49 states and 27 countries.
Who attends the Summit?
The ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit audience spans across every sector in the energy innovation community. Attendees include researchers, engineers, and scientists from universities and national labs, industry experts from large corporations entrepreneurs representing start-up companies, energy investors, government officials, and many others. More than 2,700 thought leaders and energy experts registered to attend the 2023 Summit.
How many technologies are featured in the Showcase?
The 2023 Technology Showcase featured more than 400 transformational energy technologies and innovations. Technology Showcase participants are ARPA-E awardees, entrepreneurs, researchers, and experts ready to discuss their transformational technology and collaborate with investors and decision-makers to move their ideas into the marketplace.
What is ARPA-E's impact on the energy innovation community?
ARPA-E tracks key early indicators that help illustrate how the advanced research and development (R&D) funded by the Agency can potentially turn into commercial impact, including private-sector follow-on funding, new company formation, partnership with other government agencies, publications, inventions, and patents. Since 2009, ARPA-E has provided approximately $3.68 billion in R&D funding for more than 1,530 potentially transformational energy technology projects.
When was ARPA-E created?
The America COMPETES Act of 2007 authorized ARPA-E within the U.S. Department of Energy. However, ARPA-E was not established until early 2009, when it received $400 million in funding through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
Where can I find information about ARPA-E funding opportunities?
Please visit for information about current Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOA).
May 22-24, 2024
Gaylord Texan | Dallas, TX